Senka Milutinovic 0962433 GD2
main issues
Although food as a topic is riddled with a variety of different issues from limited food access to unsustainable agricultural practices to the rights of the farmers and animals, here I will primarily focus on the role of food waste.

Just in the Netherlands in 2019, the amount of food wasted was 3 297 kilos in consumer households. This, of course, does not take into account the amount of food being thrown away by supermarkets or farmer’s markets.
+ fermentation and brewing
Some of the ways in which this issue could be tackled are:
+ collecting food about to be thrown away to feed people in need (example Groente Zonder Grenzen)

+ feeding livestock
+ reusing
- bread waste
- fruit waste
+ keep portions in check
+ make compost/fertilizer
As a large majority of the food thrown away is fruit and vegetables (386 kg and 454 kg) that became my primary focus, I first started fermenting beets and carrots to see how difficult the process is.
While researching fermentation practices I stumbled upon the recipe for pruno (aka prison wine), which is a brewing process that can essentially be done with very little effort and at home.
As the recipe uses anywhere from 5 to 10 oranges, one ends with a lot of residual waste (in this case orange peels). Of fruit food waste in Dutch households, residual waste takes up 27% of the overall figure. Keeping this in mind I started researching recipes and skincare products made from or with fruit food waste.
fermented carrots
fermented beets
kefir water
oranges eating up sugar to produce alcohol
grinded dried orange peels
orange powder mixed with yogurt: mask ready!